DigitalMarketingCreating A Successful Content Marketing Strategy

June 15, 2021

A content marketing strategy is a tactical marketing approach, majorly focused on the creation and distribution of informative, valuable, and consistent content.

Successful Content Marketing Strategy

The main aim of the creation and distribution of the content is for the attraction and retention of a defined audience. The overall end goal is a profitable customer action.

Without a strategy, content marketing is nothing, even with the most thought-provoking and interesting content. This article will help you know how to create a successful content marketing strategy for your real estate business. 

1. Research Your Target Audience

When creating content, it’s advised to have your home buyer target audience in mind. It will give you direction in the type of content to create. A majority of home buyer consumers mainly make purchasing decisions on what they can identify with.

Research and learn your home buyer target audience demographics: age, educational level, income, gender, and lifestyle. You should also identify what your target audience wants, and the problems that they face. The next guiding question would then be, how can my product and/or service solve their problem(s)? Conducting audience research can be done through physical/online surveys. The results from the survey could then be collated into categorized sections. Some survey results you may find out are that your home buyers care about modern-looking homes and homes with basements they can rent out. Content on these topics become relevant and attractive to your targeted home buyer.

2. Keyword Research to Create Content Marketing Strategy

This is a search engine optimization (SEO) process that includes the identification of popular words and phrases that consumers input into search engines. It plays a vital role in helping you identify what type of words/phrases to include in your content. For example, if a consumer searches for “affordable property with a swimming pool” if your content includes keywords/phrases such as “affordable”, “property with a swimming pool”, it’ll appear amongst the first search results. This will further contribute to better ranking as well as increased traffic. The advantage of including keywords in your content will also contribute towards establishing your brand’s credibility amongst other competitors.

3. Research The Most Effective Content-Type

Types of content range from infographics, e-books, podcasts, blog posts to email newsletters. It is important to note that the most effective content is entirely dependent on how your target market receives information best. For example, Homebuyer Case Studies of other home buyers challenge of finding a home and their success with your realtor company, are interesting for prospects to read. However, if your target audience includes 2nd time home buyers, they would appreciate more advanced content like the topic of buying a home for renting purposes.
The key questions to always consider are, what sort of content will my (target) audience respond to? What is my target audience looking for?  In conclusion, once you identify your targeted home buyer, it is best to survey them on their home-buying experiences, challenges and interests. This information will guide you on the content to create. Use a content calendar to help you post consistently. Lastly, using specific keywords will help your target audience find your content on search engines easily. Content marketing is a long-term strategy, keep improving the quality of your content over time.

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